3 C’s of Evil

Photo by Annie Spratt (unsplash)

We live in a world that enjoys promoting, what I like to call the three evils of “competing, comparing and copying.” These three evils are very destructive in nature. They destroy our true identity, destroys our emotional well-being, and creates greed and discontentment in our hearts.

These three evils are pushed in our faces every day via TV, magazines, newspapers, and electronic media. The three evils of competing comparing, and copying, have men, women and children of all ages wanting to become someone they were not created to be. It is so sad to listen or watch individuals trying to become a character portrayed on TV, which by the way are not real. How about individuals wanting to be athletes they were not created to be, and in some cases parents pushing their kids to become “the next named athletic star” in which they don’t have the ability to perform.

Trying to compete, compare or copy a God-given gift that isn’t ours does not give us true peace. Jeremiah 1:5 tells us that God formed every individual with their own unique gift and abilities. Our individual, unique gift was developed in us at conception, we don’t have to compete, compare, or copy anyone.

Psalms 139 is a beautiful and encouraging Psalm to read. God explains to us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and this Psalms also informs us that God’s presence is always with us. So, if we become uncertain about our gifts or calling God is just a prayer away. Ask Him, He will answer or show us our gifting or calling. We can never be someone else or do something we were never created to do! Whenever, we try to function outside of our giftings or abilities we will fail and become discouraged, which leads to discontentment and sometimes depression.

If you discover yourself copying and comparing it is a sign you don’t know your identity. Our true identity is found in Christ Jesus. John 15:1-7 gives us the answers we need in discovering our identity, gifts and calling. We are to “abide” in Jesus and we are to know His Word. Verse 7 sums it up: “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”

Friends, we dont need to compete, compare or copy anyone because you are uniquely made. You have gifts and callings no one can do but you. Stop trying to be someone you weren’t created to be, “be you.” Seek God’s wisdom and help in discovering the fearfully, wonderfully created person you are. The victory we seek is freedom in knowing who we are in Christ Jesus. Walk in your victory today! Jesus already won it for you!