Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone!  This has been a year with many surprises and changes for everyone.  Changes that brought about fear, pain, and great losses.  Some of these changes have taught us the importance of family and the need for a power greater than man.

Happy New Year

Many will make New Year’s resolutions and many won’t, which is ok!  But, instead of making resolutions which we will ultimately not keep, let’s look to God who is the “power source” we need both individually and nationally.  God is a constant, He never changes nor does His word change for He is the same yesterday, today and for evermore (Hebrews 13:8).  God has all the answers we need for healing of self and the nations.  As we humble ourselves as a people and a nation and allow true justice to prevail God will heal our land. 

Lamentations 3:23 declares that God’s mercies are new every morning and His faithfulness is great.  This means we don’t have to wait for a new year for forgiveness and healing.  Every morning we can pray for forgiveness corporately and individually.  Each day as we pray and forsake our sinful ways, God is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and iniquities.

Photo by Ben White (unsplash)

Let’s start the New Year and every day with our focus on “believing” in the only one who has the power to bring lasting change.  Let’s believe in the one and only living God whose “mercies are new each morning.”  Friends, daily prayer for our nation, for each other, and for godly justice to prevail in our nations from leadership down is a great way to start a new year and a great start for each day.

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