A Living Epistle

One of my favorite scriptures is Psalms 119:105. This tells us that the Word of God is a “lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.” In other words, God’s Word guides us onto the right path on our individual journeys, if we chose to obey what it says.

The Apostle Paul knew this to be true. In 2 Corinthians 3:1-6 Paul credits the Word of God for his transformation.  Paul who once killed the saints of God, became a minister and servant to the people at Corinth. The Word of God truly was a lamp unto Paul’s feet and a light unto his path.

Photo by Rafael Pires on Pexels.com

Through the Word of God, Paul became a “living epistle” to the community of Corinth. His life was a living example of the power the Word of God had in transforming him, a sinner into a saint!  God took a man who once was a murderer and turned into an author for His Kingdom. (He authored many books in the New Testament.)  Through Paul’s writings and teachings of God’s Word, many souls believed in Jesus and the Kingdom of God.

God’s Word, my friends, brings life to what is dead!  Is your spiritual life dead? Is there death in your marriage? Is there woundedness in our soul? The Word of God has the power to awaken what is dead and give it new life?

Like Apostle Paul, allow the Word of God to transform you into a “living epistle” that when others see your new life, they will glorify God!  Apostle Paul discovered the secret to a victorious life! The secret! Trusting God with his journey, he allowed the Word to guide him through his life on earth.

Friends you too can become a living epistle. If you are struggling emotionally with hurts from your past, allow the Word of God to give you new life? Wouldn’t you love to enjoy living a life of freedom from emotions that causes one to live a life of anxiety and overwhelm from negative thinking. Like Apostle Paul, allow the Word of God to be your guide. There is healing available for you, Click here to sign-up for our free video teaching on “Why Do I Act and Think This Way!” This 40-minute workshop video will inspire you to seek change.

www. https://www.journeythroughlifeministries.net/alive-community-membership.html for more information about the “alive” Community.

Changing your thoughts, changes your life!

Georgetta – Christian Lifestyle & Budgeting Coach

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