Women of the Bible: Proverbs 31 Woman

Historically, and even in some countries today, woman were considered second class citizens without any rights.  Men didn’t see much value in women!  But fortunately, we have a just and loving God who created women with rights and equality.  It’s the sin of man that distorted his vision and understanding about women!

Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi on Pexels.com

When Holy Spirit spoke to the recorder, of Proverb 3, he was revealing to the reader that women have great value in the eyes of God.  Holy Spirit begins the description of the Virtuous Women by calling her “an excellent wife!”  He then begins to list her godly character, her gifts, and the source from where she receives her gifts and praise.  

We learn from Proverbs 31 that the Virtuous Woman began her ministry at home.  Holy Spirit speaks of her godly character by calling her an “excellent wife” with her worth treasured far above jewels.   What praise from Holy Spirit!  She was not lazy nor a busybody!  The Virtuous Woman’s home was her priority, making sure the needs of her family and servants were met, putting her needs last.

Holy Spirit continues by revealing to the reader that the Virtuous Woman was also a wise steward over what God blessed her with.  She took her investments and became a successful business woman!  She then used profits from her business ventures to help the poor and the needy with food and then taught them the wisdom of God’s word as lead by Holy Spirit (v.26).

Verses 17 and 25 reveals the source of the Virtuous Woman’s success and praise.   She looked to God for strength, wisdom, help, and guidance.  Verse 17 says “she girds herself with strength and makes her arms strong” and verse 25 says “strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future.”  The Virtuous Woman wasn’t afraid of the future or anything else, because her faith and trust was rooted in God. She knew she was a first class in the Kingdom of God!  She knew God loved her and watched over all that she put her hand to do.  God prospered her because of her faith and trust in Him!  What is your faith in!  The Kingdom of God, or the kingdom of this world?

Psalm 31 is a great lesson for both men and women who want to know how to live a victorious and prosperous life on planet earth.  Faith and trust in God is the only way, any other way is sinking sand.

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Changing our thoughts, changes our mind!

Georgetta – Christian Lifestyle & Budgeting Coach

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