Frequently Asked Questions…

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I have been in ministry for as many years as my next to oldest child’s age and active as a structured ministry for 23 of those years. Yes, I know I gave you a riddle to figure out. Let me know if you figured out the answer! Anyway, within those years, the top two questions I am always asked are: 

1) Why is the Bible so hard to read? 

2) Why is it so hard being a Christian?

These two questions are why Father God called and equipped me as a  “Christian Lifesyle & Budgeting Coach.”  As a coach for Father God I teach women, in a group setting, that being a Christian is a lifestyle, i.e., a life that is separates from this world’s beliefs and intellect. Once individuals understand this truth and allow Holy Spirit to purge out of their lives:

old thinking (mindsets)

character flaws from their past

old traditions

bad habits

Once purged, they now have room in their minds and hearts to embrace truths found in God’s Word. We can not mix old ways (the world) and new ways (kingdom of God) without experiencing confusion, discouragement, and disappointment. 

The Word of God is alive and active with power to transform us with correct thinking so that we can see the world with unblinded eyes.  The Word of God, my friends, can restore our wounded souls. With a healthy soul. We can be freed from character flaws from our past, and we learn “true love.”

With new eyes and a healthy soul, our hearts will yearn to be fed with the goodness of God’s truth, which is found in His Word. Plus, learning a few techniques for studying the Word of God will help us on our journey of drawing closer to God and understanding His Word and will for our lives.

Join me and other women, in a safe, non-judgmental community, as we learn God’s truth for lasting transformation. Christianity is a lifestyle of truth, victory and abundance, which God wants for all. The choice is yours. 

Check out our website: for detailed information. 

Changing our thoughts, changes our lives!

Georgetta, Christian Lifestyle & Budgeting Coach

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