Liebster Award x2

I have been nominated by Dr. Namrata of Penofhearts for my second Liebster Award.  Thank you for this special recognition in receiving this award.  It is always heartfelt and inspiring to be recognized by your peers, in this case our family of bloggers!  I enjoy blogging because it gives me an opportunity to share what I love most and connects me around the world with new friends.  Again, thank you Dr. Namrata for the nomination!

Dr. Namrata’s blog is varied in topics, but written with much knowledge.  I enjoy reading her book reviews, when she writes about her sons, and I especially enjoy reading her “Six Word Saturday’s.”  Take a moment to visit her site, it is well worth the journey  Dr. Namrata has a warm and caring personality which shines worth brightly in her posts.

General Rules:

Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog. Answer the 11 questions given to you.Β  Nominate 11 other bloggers. Ask your nominees 11 questions.Β  Notify your nominees once you have uploaded the post.

Dr. Namrata’s Questions For Me:

What is your best childhood memory? Playing for hours outside!Β  Growing up in the city, we didn’t have many yards or fields to play in, so we made our community streets the playground.Β  Fortunately, during my growing years, there were few cars on the road so we were able to spent hours on our home streets playing stick ball, hopscotch and it tag. And I can’t forget playing marbles and lazy hours reading comic books.

If you had a chance for a β€œdo-over” in life, what would you do differently? Raising my children differently. I became a single parent after a tragic marriage and let my emotions get in the way of good decisions-making as a single parent.Β  In spite of some bad decisions, I thank God that all of my children are responsible adults with children of their own.

How do you spend your free time? First quiet time with my husband.Β  Secondly, I enjoy reading and researching topics for blogging and articles for our newsletter and Online Bible Studies. Thirdly, knitting and crocheting.

What do you feel most proud of? My children and grandchildren!Β Β  In spite of some poor decision-making, my children have turned out great adults; and they are raising their children with Godly morals and values, which blesses my heart.

What is the skill you’d like to learn and why? I love crafting and the arts.Β  I would love to learn how to draw so that people know what my pictures actually represent.

What is your strongest quality? Listening.

If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be?

My Bible

My home

My money

My phone with charger

My computer

What teacher in school made the most impact on you and why? My high school Business Teacher. She was my teacher for three years.Β  She not only taught us business skills but also how to have confidence in ourselves which in turn gave us a good start in life upon graduation.Β  Because of her pushing for excellence, I was able to secure a good job after graduating high school.Β  She was very caring and we shared the same birthday.

Who do you most admire in your life? I admire those who are not afraid to take legal risks in life, especially when the family will benefit from them.

What’s the best comedy movie you have ever seen and why? “Are We There Yet?”Β  Very funny movie.Β  You laugh from beginning to end.

Do you believe in luck? No I do not believe in luck.Β  I believe we are blessed by God.

My nominees are:

Shedrackamy of

Saania Sparkle of

Perth Girl at

Sally at

Deborah Marie at Great is God’s Faithfulness

The Godly Chic Diaries at

tkbrownwriter at

Heidy Reynoso at

Sophia (the God Minute) at

Collen at Conversations on Finding and Loving Who I Am

Lance Sheridan at

My Questions:Β  The same as above